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It makes us lose money," he said. Mickelwait, who is thirty-nine, had worked at Exodus Cry since , and her focus was on trying to prevent adults and children from becoming victims of coerced prostitution and other forms of sexual abuse. Michelle reported the videos to Pornhub during the fall of and continued flagging content for the site to take down throughout Isabella said more than , people ultimately watched the video — "including everybody at my college, pretty much," she said. The statement said, "We have banned uploads from unverified users, eliminated downloads, expanded our moderation processes, and partnered with dozens of non-profit organizations around the world, steps that surpass those of any other major platform on the internet. Alexander Pschorr, the former C. Then she thanked the committee for conducting the investigation. Later that month, the parliamentary committee heard testimony from three more women, including Rachel. Formatters sometimes suggested blocking the I. In college, while researching causes including global poverty and war crimes, she came across the issue of sex trafficking, and was shocked by what she learned. An online industry forum called gfy. He made all the decisions.

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