Pornhub underage

Pornhub underage

Around 1. Kate O'Flaherty. In November , it was reported that Pornhub has over 1billion visitors per month, [78] and a December article in Adweek states that Pornhub has 50 million daily visitors. Nicholas Kristof, opinion columnist at The New York Times, wrote Friday that Pornhub carries rape scenes, revenge pornography and other examples of explicit video taken without consent of the participants. It has been reported that MindGeek's dominance in online pornography may have negative results because of the monopolistic powers they have from owning both production and distribution avenues. However, helpline calls, emails, and online chats showed an increase over the duration of the trial. Election Archived from the original on 2 March ISSN Digital Policy Alliance. Save this story Save. Archived from the original on 4 September

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