Pornhub the movie

Pornhub the movie

The people who ran the site as part of the data-harvesting company MindGeek in Montreal did not care about the unverified, harmful garbage that populated put on the site. I found myself saying so what? The former idea changed the game for sex workers and entertainers; the latter truth involves children. United States. Synopsis Pornhub, the internet's most famous adult entertainment platform, fundamentally changed how pornography is made and distributed. In a cramped 95 minutes, the film takes on the popular porn site and the way Pornhub became synonymous with all things powerful about internet porn: Pornhub can provide popular creators an audience and livelihood with consensual content; Pornhub can also be a place for craven, non-consensual, and illegal content to be anonymously distributed. Kingslaay Apr 8, In a compelling and sometimes self-defeating fashion, this isn't just a mini-epic about Pornhub's rule but the people whose lives have been impacted by corporate apathy. Now playing on Netflix. Now streaming on:. Sign In Sign In. New TV Tonight.

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