Pornhub texas news

Pornhub texas news

NPS internal memos and documents reveal that the agency is seeking to enforce existing guidelines that prohibit employees from participating, in uniform, in any events that "could be construed as agency support for a particular issue, position, or political party. Amid right-wing legislative moves as heated as any in the U. Pornhub is Blocking Visitors in Texas Pornhub has blocked visitors from Texas in response to age-verification laws that may infringe on users' privacy. The 5th U. Owned by the adult entertainment conglomerate Aylo, Pornhub stands as the second-most visited website in its category, trailing only behind XVideos. Share on X formerly Twitter. Subscribe to our daily newsletter. By Angela Yang. Submit Photos and Videos. Published: Mar. Making Change Possible. Pornhub is blocking visitors from Texas in response to an age-verification law that leaves adult websites liable if a minor is found to have accessed the content, even through deceptive means.

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