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Brainy should've isolated him in an area the size of a football field, as opposed to several city blocks. Again, you don't show up until someone pushes back on them and implicitly side with them with your poor-picked-on-baby routine. If you can't intuit my thinking from the whole review, to judge me for my thoughts there, I don't know what to say. The Bad: The demasculinization of the Martian Manhunter. This episode started off with a bang, and then fizzled out altogether. Even without the armor, Supergirl should've been able to figure out a way to take on Parasite from a distance. THIS time around, and it would've fit right into the subplot surrounding the dynamics of Alex's relationship with her new commanding officer. Should I not allow the same? The story can support the agenda. Should I not do the same? The Juneteenth flag is full of symbols. Never ones that are cringey conservative.

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