Pornhub serena fleites

Pornhub serena fleites

Riders' defence look to keep Bo Levi Mitchell in check in rematch 10h ago. Sarah Wood. The move came after Visa and MasterCard launched investigations and decided in December to stop allowing their cards to be used on Pornhub. In a moving testimony to Canadian lawmakers earlier this month, a teenage victim of child pornography shared her harrowing story of the compounded trauma she endured when Pornhub allegedly failed repeatedly to remove the illegal footage of her from its website. The move came after Mastercard and Visa cut ties with the pornography website after internal investigations found illicit material on Pornhub. United States. A New York Times investigation published that month says the site hosted videos of child sexual assaults and exploitations. Ms Fleites alleges that Visa, by processing revenue from ads, conspired with Pornhub's parent firm MindGeek to make money from videos of her abuse. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This entire experience went to such a traumatic extent it unfortunately led Serena to have anxiety, depression, as well as suicidal thoughts going much beyond what she could have ever conceived. When I was reporting this subject, it was surprisingly easy to find year-old kids who had had these videos posted and suffered enormous trauma as a result. Serena says people threatened to send the videos to her mom if she didn't send them even more naked videos.

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