Pornhub secret

Pornhub secret

Further, none of these states have a privacy preserving way of demonstrating age. First, age verification requires sharing a lot of PII with some of the dodgier companies on the web. Porn is a bad thing, we ban it by prosecuting consumers. A healthy society tries its best to prevent morons from enticing kids of good parents such as yourself to do things that are harmful. Government regulation cannot and will not replace parenting. No, this is not possible. With the closure, the above law has no longer any practical effect but the cinema industry and TV broadcast still volunteer to honor it to some degree. Izkata 22 hours ago root parent next [—]. Whether or not guns are a net positive to society is a different discussion, but the reasoning is clear and simple. That's the intent of course, but it's just as easy to refuse to verify age for certain endpoints or provide incorrect verification. Online privacy is essentially dead and has been for many years. In my country Sweden we do not have a specific age restricting law regarding purchasing porn.

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