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And so reliance on these services that are so common that they become invisible to us makes them infrastructural things like your utilities. Why, even as adult content becomes ever more mainstream and available, do financial institutions still refuse to work with the people who provide it? That was the big story. How Google got its AI answers so wrong June 14, Which is why when the company company said about a year ago that it would ban adult material, the news was greeted with shock and then skepticism. And because there is such a, again, like long cultural history of considering sex work and pornography work degraded, disgusting, lowly, filthy how could they do that? Categories : births American female erotic dancers American pornographic film actresses Living people American Twitch service streamers 21st-century American women People from Downingtown, Pennsylvania. A more specific example of the way that this discrimination takes place is under the guise of something called chargebacks. Archived from the original on January 31, What recourse does a sex worker have if they are hit with financial discrimination? I have made some stupid ass purchases after recording particularly depressing episodes of this show, including a smartphone case that doubled as a fake Game Boy and could play some knockoff games from China. Two attendees say they got injured when they jumped in".

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