Pornhub sad

Pornhub sad

They used expert marketing tactics to convince us that the best porn experience of your life only costs a few bucks a month, when the free version already has all the stupid bullshit cut out. There is minimal information on how much the stars actually get paid probably because they get paid like shit therefore it is hard to find out exactly how much money they lose whenever their work gets posted somewhere else without any kickbacks. This is a territory of Pornhub that not many people I know have ever attempted to explore. Comment Reblog Subscribe Subscribed. I've got a better bald man to get spicy with. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Then came the fun part of having to place your chosen porn next to the cash register so you could get judged heavily by the worker behind the counter. Already have a WordPress. This is one of the reasons I do recommend paying for services like Premium so that the workers do not get discouraged about pirating and they can keep a steady money flow, or even prevent less reputable porn makers from taking advantage of their workers in more ways than one. Pornhub boasts a vast collection of every kind of scene your horny heart desires, from busty blondes getting stuck under tables to your most wild bondage fantasy. Bikini Booties Edition. TMZ Sports.

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