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Nor can we build large sets and pay a lot for extras to stand in the background. And, of course, it was immediately pirated everywhere else, too. And even if we did do all of those things, most of our viewers would fast-forward straight to the sex anyway. Or sink fixed. Growing up that was my spank material. More Stories from MEL. Speaking of which, I did once do a series about handywomen called Big Butt Handywomen. Or lawn mowed. One of the girls gave me her number and told me to come back when I was done working, which I did. The viewer only cares about the fantasy of the seduction and the accompanying visuals. What is it about menial labor and blue-collar work that gets porn all hot and bothered? Namely, pornographers have understood for a long time that a viewer wants to believe that the random guy unexpectedly hooking up with the beautiful woman could just as easily have been him.

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