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Pornhub quicky

Google is sliding down that slippery slope to complete arrogance it seems to me. Great blog, thanks for sharing the knowledge. Nice point Matt, but you could try to explain better and write down more point on this guidelines of what you and BigG consider an hidden link. I am a bit worried about hidden links. Are we now supposed to go through all those entries to add nofollow tags to them even though they are not paid links? Think about it this way — Microsoft is giving free copies of their software to education institutions, so that the graduates will buy the product. First of, hugely hypocrital, really. I do not think Google engineers are working for hidden links and hidden texts because i have a big list of sites even that sites are coming in top in serps still nothing is happening to them so better to work some thing. Nate April 24, at am. How about if my home page was about golf and I had a paragraph of text on the home page, with an absolute url link disguised as text with the word golf. Are affiliate sites covered by this if they are pay after action rather than paid links upfront? So… with the greatest of respect to Google does this mean an end to Premium Adsense?

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