Pornhub pulls out of texas

Pornhub pulls out of texas

Verifying visitor ages in Louisiana does not require porn sites to directly collect user IDs. As the dissenting opinion by Judge Higginbotham makes clear, this ruling violates decades of precedent from the Supreme Court. Awards Circuit Expand the sub menu. In its opinion , the Court points to case law establishing that the government:. Introduced at the beginning of , the bill was passed in June and took effect in September Read full article Sharon Adarlo. The 5th Circuit panel majority held that the Texas porn-site law should be reviewed on the "rational-basis" standard and not under strict scrutiny. Ever since the world's top online filth purveyor Pornhub blocked all of Texas earlier this month , the libidinous desires of residents of the Lone Star State have been on full display via Google search trends. Copy Link. Montana and North Carolina saw their access to Pornhub and its sister sites go away at the beginning of the year. Advertising Privacy Terms of Use. Sign In Create your free profile.

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