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All this despite the warmth of Pope Francis. Watch Now: Pride Today For more videos and shows go to advocatechannel. Link Copied. Bisexual and transgender adults report loneliness twice as much as straight adults: CDC 17h. While I can't read the heart or know the mind of Archbishop Gomez, I do want to reflect on his choice of words, noting a grievance with the word "sadness" and the phrase "difficult time. While Monsignor Burrill has not disclosed his sexuality publicly, he is accused of using a gay dating app to meet men, not a straight dating app to meet women. Not even menstruation! On March 23, Aliyah Lynette Jaico, 8, and her family were enjoying an afternoon of swimming at a DoubleTree by Hilton hotel when she disappeared. I ask for your prayers for Monsignor How climate disasters hurt mental health in young people. Sign up for our email newsletter. The Independent.

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