Pornhub not accessible in texas

Pornhub not accessible in texas

A statement from the coalition following the recent court decision allowing Texas to uphold the law reads: "Our battle, of course, is just beginning. Pornhub denounced the law as "ineffective, haphazard, and dangerous" and claimed that it violated "the rights of adults to access protected speech. The Indiana bill differs from the Texas law because it allows parents to sue if their children access a pornography site that is "knowingly or intentionally" not utilizing age-verification measures. They believe there should be a better way to achieve the goal of protecting minors from adult content. Tweet 0. Ever since, Texans have been searching like crazy for a way to access the sites. What exactly is progressive justification? A poll from RMG Research shows a majority of Americans support a federal law requiring adult websites that contain sexual content to have some kind of age-verification requirements. Senate Bill 17 is on its way to Indiana Gov. Group of Brands. Next story in Cancel. Find the best Disney Pride merch here so you can celebrate, too.

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