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I have no idea how many, or how easy it is to treat, or whether "addiction" is the best term for it, but it's the best word I know of to describe the phenomenon I heard that many women seeking plastic surgery on their private parts get ideas on what is "normal" by viewing images of other women. Yes, there are. Are there people out there who are so obsessed with pornography that their relationships with family, friends, and co-workers suffer, but they continue to pursue this "passion" even after they lose a job or get divorced etc.? In specific, the positive effects of pornography are greatly misunderstood. I didn't say that sex including sex drive was OCD. Science News Features. In my opinion, it is just a textbook written by hypocrites for hypocrites Could dark matter be a myth created by a special type of black hole gravity? But there are also psychological dimensions common to chemical drugs as well as activities , like habituation ritualization , obsession, and compulsion. The following users thanked this post: jeffreyH. Science News Features.

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