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Bill Brownstein May 8, Columnists. While it's an inspirational documentary that occasionally hits familiar beats of its genre, its depth and heart make it a worthy watch. Brownstein: Irwin Cotler's many fights for human rights detailed in documentary The Montreal activist was adamant that First to Stand: The Cases and Causes of Irwin Cotler focus on the work, not the man. Playful, urgent and brilliantly innovative, the film is predicated on the notion that if society is a set and gender a performance, what better way to capture that than to revel in the very constructed nature of filmmaking? Paul Trent Self. But those QAnon references are not entirely spurious. Bill Brownstein January 30, Columnists. September 17, Montreal movies. Netflix Netflix. Despite its strides in the industry, it hasn't had the most stellar record — it's faced harrowing accusations of sex trafficking and data harvesting. This proved the case for the many Tinder dates of Shimon Hayut, who loved to con women out of their life savings , breaking their hearts, and their bank accounts. Netflix "David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet" David Attenborough documentaries — think projects such as "Life in Color" and "Our Planet" — are universally beloved for their soothing, observational narrations over lush wildlife footage, but "David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet" is a project with a more urgent plea regarding the imminent dangers of climate change.

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