Pornhub math

Pornhub math

Copy Link lighning bolt icon An icon in the shape of a lightning bolt. Be the first to comment! Tutor Chang Hsu uploads lessons on Pornhub to set himself apart from other online tutors and get to his target audience — college boys. To set himself apart from other online tutors, one Taiwanese math teacher is serving up hardcore equations with a side of raw trigonometry on adult video site Pornhub. Sign up. This story is available exclusively to Business Insider subscribers. Now if you are wondering why would anyone want to watch maths videos on Pornhub, his videos garner a million views, and he makes around Rs 2 crore per year. Get the daily lowdown on Asia's top tech stories We break down the big and messy topics of the day so you're updated on the most important developments in less than three minutes - for free. He breaks down college and high school-level mathematical methods and theorems in an online space where you least expect it. He also solves mathematical problems on the green board and explains differential methods, in his native Mandarin. But having an Asian mathematician on the site solve calculus without stripping down in the process does not compute. Editing by Samreen Ahmad and Eileen C.

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