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Opponents have argued that age verification laws for adult websites not only infringe upon free speech, but also threaten digital privacy because it's impossible to ensure that websites don't retain user identification data. The smart bra features small ultrasound sensors in the lining, and was developed by Nextwear Technology, a wearables firm based in Abuja, Nigeria. How fame, fortune and beautiful women haven't been able to bring happiness to the face that sparked a thousand memes Justin Timberlake's appearance sparks concern at Vegas concert, weeks before his DWI arrest Growing up fast! Is Alexa about to get smarter? Have your say in our news democracy. Government attempts to chill speech, no matter the method, are prohibited by the Constitution and decades of legal precedent. Suzuki has announced that it's joining forces with Tokyo-based flying car firm SkyDrive to develop an electric, vertical takeoff and landing aircraft. New Harvard study claims aliens may be living underground on Earth aliens. A birthday treat fit for a prince! Texas was blocked in March after an appeals court upheld an age verification law passed in Straight Games History Hist. Can YOU spot the second horse?

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