Pornhub lawsuits

Pornhub lawsuits

It is clear that MindGeek financially benefitted from the trafficking and paid rape of these survivors when they were children. Twitter Facebook. Many of the women are coerced and drugged in order to get them to perform. This website uses essential cookies to enable it to function. Through a class action procedure, the court can order MindGeek to implement large-scale changes, for example safety and accountability measures. How can I be a part of holding MindGeek and Pornhub accountable? Click to return to homepage Leave a comment Share this item on Facebook Share this item via WhatsApp Share this item on Twitter Send this page to someone via email See more sharing options. Michael Pratt remains a fugitive on the FBI's most-wanted list for both sex-trafficking and the production of child pornography. Sign up for free. It also requires appointment of an independent monitor for three years, after which the charges will be dismissed. A spokesperson for Visa told the BBC that it condemned sex trafficking, sexual exploitation and child sexual abuse material. A survey from Valerie Webber , board chair of the nonprofit organization Performer Availability Screening Service, found that similar issues have emerged since Visa stopped processing payments on Pornhub.

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