Pornhub is banned

Pornhub is banned

Archived from the original on 25 August Become a member to read our premium content and master your understanding of the global economy. Looking for more in-depth coverage from Quartz? More than a handful of states across the US have passed age verification legislation in the last year. According to Indiana law , harmful materials for minors can include representations of nudity, sexual conduct and sadomasochistic abuse. Archived from the original on 7 November Alas, even a pleasure haven like Pornhub is not free from shortcomings. A poll from RMG Research shows a majority of Americans support a federal law requiring adult websites that contain sexual content to have some kind of age-verification requirements. The first state to require age verification to access pornographic websites was Louisiana, with the legislation taking effect in January Archived from the original on 22 May Newsweek magazine delivered to your door Newsweek Voices: Diverse audio opinions Enjoy ad-free browsing on Newsweek. Share this Comment: Post to Twitter.

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