Pornhub investigation

Pornhub investigation

Please consider a donation! The campaign became known as Traffickinghub. Advertisement 2. Pornhub denied the allegations, stating that any assertion it allows child sex abuse material CSAM on its platform is "irresponsible and flagrantly untrue. Click to return to homepage Leave a comment Share this item on Facebook Share this item via WhatsApp Share this item on Twitter Send this page to someone via email See more sharing options. The statement says MasterCard has zero-tolerance for illegal activity on its network and works with law enforcement and other groups to detect and prevent illegal transactions. Sex trafficking is A federal watchdog says he is investigating Pornhub over potential privacy breaches related to exploitive content posted online, as concerns around non-consensual use of images in a digital world continue to mount. Large fire engulfs inactive rail trestle between Richmond and Vancouver. Subscribe here. Next slide. They are calling for the verification of the age and consent of every person featured in pornographic content, and a robust process to be in place for illegal content to be taken down quickly.

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