Pornhub in virginia

Pornhub in virginia

Read Disclosure. The new law, passed in May , goes into effect Saturday. Up to 5. However, Virginians can still easily access blocked websites like Pornhub through virtual private networks, or VPNs — encryption methods that allow easy access to websites regardless of location. More from Policy. Utah passed a similar law in March, and the site blocked access to users in the state in the days before the law took effect in May. Most Read. Virginia has since seen an increase in Google searches for VPNs — virtual private networks that allow users to get around blocked sites from their desktops and cell phones , as previously reported by the Washingtonian. In response to recent legislative changes in Virginia, which mandates age verification for accessing adult websites, PornHub has imposed access restrictions for users with Virginia-based IP addresses. At the time, Virginia was warned that it could lose access to adult sites after the bill was signed into law. In , the Free Speech Coalition filed a lawsuit in Utah after the state introduced age verification requirements for adult websites, resulting in a statewide block from Pornhub. Virginia is the second state to get the cold shoulder from Pornhub.

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