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Thanks friend! Wifey and her husband are having a threesome together. You can't change that or them. Again, this can be applied to other behaviors, like gambling, gaming, watching non-erotic movies or tv, distance running or bicylcing, shoplifting How did the myth that megadoses of vitamin C cure cancer arise? Body Dismorphic Disorder is a category in the DSM, so is this a case of porn causing a mental condition? Performers in pornographic episodes are chosen to have abnormally large penes and could well give the wrong impression. I love it too, more, more, more. Plus I don't feel very deep tonight [ ] Some days it's not even worth knawing at the straps I agree Dan. Water Down Plughole Poll to test this urban myth. He is actually the same guy I posted the other day who did a threesome with her. However, I posted in another thread "perfect combinations", that studmuffin and myself were a perfect combo.

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