Pornhub football

Pornhub football

Log in. A spokesman for the University of Kent said that the sponsorship was not — and would never be — sanctioned by officials and blasted the actions of the team. He said: "The University of Kent sports department would never sanction sponsorship of this type - it is totally inappropriate. Yesterday at A member of the team told The Tab student newspaper they had difficulty getting local companies to sponsor them. Figure Skating. Both Kent Sport and Rutherford refused to give us any money. I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. The university rugby team once had training shirts with '80 minutes, 15 positions, no protection, wanna ruck? Share this article. Cross-Country Skiing. The Rutherford Raiders initially put the logo of X-rated website PornHub on their shirts as a joke as they competed in the inter-mural football leagues at Kent University.

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