Pornhub florida

Pornhub florida

In December , after a New York Times expose of non-consensual pornography and sex trafficking on the site, Pornhub deleted over 6 million videos and began allowing uploads only from verified users. Renner predicted an imminent legal challenge from NetChoice, a tech industry trade group that has filed lawsuits in other states against similar measures and has opposed Florida's. Search for:. Ron DeSantis vetoed it , asking for more parental control in the social media part, and the revised bill passed at the end of the legislative session. If you purchase a product or register for an account through a link on our site, we may receive compensation. Is Pornhub blocked in Florida? Toby Overdorf, R-Palm City, a bill sponsor. Emily Washburn is a staff reporter for the Daily Citizen at Focus on the Family and regularly writes stories about politics and noteworthy people. Texans have been kicked off of one of the most-visited adult sites in the world, joining millions of disappointed residents of several other states that have all passed adult-site ID requirements. Pornography companies who likewise fail to complete age verification checks could face expensive lawsuits from parents. Ron DeSantis on Monday signed sweeping social media restrictions into law also requiring age verification to access pornographic websites in his state. The bills defines the affected social media platforms as ones with features such as push notifications and infinite scrolling, which loads content as the user scrolls down , eliminating the need to click to a next page.

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