Pornhub exposed

Pornhub exposed

According to AI Forensics the StopDataPorn campaign serves as a collaborative movement urging users and authorities to act promptly and confront the exploitative practices of porn platforms. Browse All Articles. Work Here. To add insult to injury, the above emails also reveal that Pornhub had a backlog of , videos that had been reported between one and fifteen times. Register Now. Share Your Story Support Dignity There are more ways that you can support dignity today, through an online gift, taking action, or joining our team. Defend Human Dignity. Search Close this search box. The Numbers. The accusations against Pornhub are centered around three main issues: Pornhub fails to obtain proper consent from users when processing their highly sensitive personal data concerning their sex life and sexual orientation, despite being obligated to do so under article 9 of the GDPR. Current Status. Further Reading.

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