Pornhub down

Pornhub down

Will these lawsuits render adult performers and other marginalized groups at greater risk of exploitation? The laws levy hefty fees for noncompliance and leave the door open for punishing civil charges. Attorneys and advocates for porn sites argue that the laws are not just prohibiting minors, but adults, too. For assistance, contact your corporate administrator. It won't allow me to watch a video. You can opt-out at any time by visiting our Preferences page or by clicking "unsubscribe" at the bottom of the email. Some have also reported increased discrimination in accessing banks. In Other News Finance Finance. The porn industry has fought efforts to ensure that minors cannot access sexually explicit videos on their websites. As we said, Pornhub in itself is safe and strives to stay that way, as a huge business employing lots of tech people tasked to keep the website primed. According to the message on the site that's currently all anyone from Texas can see:. Dallas promises Eddie Garcia he will be the highest paid police chief in Texas.

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