Pornhub down texas

Pornhub down texas

Contact FAQs. Adult entertainment website Pornhub blocked access to its content from Texas on Thursday in response to a new law requiring age verification to access pornographic material in the state. In this case, violating the law would lead to a fine or jail time, depending on the country. He has covered the intersection between politics and emerging technology, such as artificial intelligence. Instead, its homepage displays a statement explaining its reasoning and encouraging users to contact their representatives about the law. Newsweek Voices: Diverse audio opinions Enjoy ad-free browsing on Newsweek. Paxton accused Pornhub of failing to abide by the age-verification law. Had the bill passed, it would have banned all gender-affirming surgical and hormonal interventions for minors suffering from gender dysphoria, with penalties, including the loss of their license to practice. Now, pay for the subscription and download NordVPNto your device. Pornhub, a pornographic website, disabled users in Texas from accessing the site on Thursday after the state attorney general and lawmakers sought to require adult websites to verify the age of visiting users. Last week, the U. Undoubtedly, the age verification law in Texas will spread to other American states.

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