Pornhub disabled in north carolina

Pornhub disabled in north carolina

Adult entertainment website Pornhub blocked access to its content from Texas on Thursday in response to a new law requiring age verification to access pornographic material in the state. Languages: English. First responders rendered emergency aid, but Gomez was pronounced dead at the scene. Pornhub blocked access to users in Montana in January after an age-verification bill passed by the state legislature came into effect. Related Child safety bills are reshaping the internet for everyone. Flights delayed at Asheville Regional Airport after traffic control tower loses power. Pornhub has blocked access in two more states over age verification laws. Both states also leave enforcement as a civil matter, allowing individuals to sue if they think a site violates the law. Kenneth Lee Jr. Gloria Satterfield Case. With spending talks idling, NC House to advance its own budget proposal. Most Read.

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