Pornhub disabled in mississippi

Pornhub disabled in mississippi

Pornhub has disabled access to its platform in Texas. Instead of accessing the usual content, anybody in the state who travels to Pornhub's website as of this week will be greeted with a video of adult performer Cherie DeVille, a member of the Adult Performer Advocacy Committee, reading out a statement. Similar legislation in Indiana could become law and possibly lead to Pornhub also disabling access to that state, the difference is, the company may also be held legally liable by minors' parents. Docs Expand the sub menu. The doo gooders in public in the state's chambers need to get their paws off my ipad. Calculated Risk Loading A poll from RMG Research shows a majority of Americans support a federal law requiring adult websites that contain sexual content to have some kind of age-verification requirements. Also in the bill, those that resist arrest would be sentenced to a felony it was previously a misdemeanor for a maximum two-year prison term. The legislation, Texas H. When my kids were younger, the schools required them to do homework and research online. I suspect that the keyboards of the legislators and staffers who researched this are a little sticky. Of course that law already exists.

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