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Schneider was a head writer on the series. This is not the first time Schneider has been accused of showing pornography to someone he worked with on Nickelodeon. Stephanie Wenger. Search for: Search. Northwest Indiana lawmaker wants mandatory age verification for 'adult' websites. Popular on Variety. But the stigma is far from gone. Weather Alerts Subscribe. This is not the first time Schneider has been accused of showing pornography to someone he worked with on Nickelodeon. A new state law, set to take effect July 1, preemptively prohibits adult-oriented websites from publishing their content in Indiana unless the site employs a rigorous age-verification system to prevent individuals younger than 18 years old from accessing the website. Denberg said she threw a piece of bread at him and he reacted by screaming at her. Senate approves mandatory age verification for adult-oriented websites.

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