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Someone get this girl on Playboy and metart and get her with some real photographers. Last edited: Apr 28, When I first moved to New York from college in the Midwest to intern at the Cut, my first reporting assignment was covering Fashion Week, which meant going to as many of the many, many brand-sponsored open-bar parties as I could get invited to and writing about anything funny or newsworthy that took place, hopefully involving a drunk celebrity. Members Current visitors New profile posts Search profile posts. Replies 17 Views 11K. Already a subscriber? Forums New posts Search forums. I am very sorry about that. By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Notice and to receive email correspondence from us. Connect with Google Connect with Facebook. View attachment Troy Francisco posted this on Twitter without tagging anyone, but comments below the post were saying that it was Sava Schultz, comments that Troy liked. We talk politics, and she admits she was a Yang supporter, and somehow pegs me accurately as having been an Elizabeth Warren stan.

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