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Contact me at toms lehighvalleynews. At one point, Morea got inches away from Geissinger's nose and screamed for him to do his job, Geissinger said. Search Query Show Search. McCulloch, Welch and Geissinger, a former Northampton County councilman, testified from the stand, and Lynch ran unsuccessfully for Northampton County executive in Among other information, the Commission requires "details on age assurance mechanisms adopted by these pornographic platforms", it said. After they denied it, the debate grew heated and eventually indecipherable as people shouted over one another and Geissinger attempted to gavel the meeting to order. This is, for better or worse, how things get done. In his closing arguments, Shipman agreed the meeting was unruly, but no more than some heated municipal meetings or sessions of the U. Instead, Lynch and Morea stormed up to Geissinger and Azan to demand the couple's immediate removal. McColluch may have violated state law when he made the recording on the phone without the knowledge and consent of those present. Available On Air Stations. Geissinger testified that he hadn't received a copy of the email at the time, causing Morea to yell that he was lying to protect the couple.

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