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An important message from Odin. I am a survivor of 13 years of marriage to a sex addict, and pornography ruined our marriage and blew apart our family. Men who have fantasies of choking, beating and raping women are sick. Share this:. How will these shirts help to spread awareness , when someone wears them down the street? Pornhub promotes sexual violence against women. Researchers and frontline workers know full well that sexist attitudes, sexual objectification and a culture of hostility towards women are at the roots of male violence against women. This website encourages men to have these fantasies and reassures people that violence is okay. Same with sexual abuse. Interested to know whether Domestic Violence organisations would be able to accept funds sourced this way, I contacted around 15 organisations and shelters across the world to ask their thoughts. How odd for a feminist on the internet to be disingenuous but being sex negative is a hell of a drug. Bro Did you seriously just talked during Silent Reading time!!

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