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March 22, at am. Kay says:. April 15, at am. He made way more money than me, and was sooo hot. I remember the first time she gave me a blowjob. Its warm, creamy and goes down so easily. March 1, at am. Some women love swallowing semen…I will never forget how my first wife would most of the time when we were having sex go straight to my cock put it in her mouth when she knew I was about to cum and swallow it all with pleasure … for some reason she loved it…It energized her she would say…not only when we were together but with guys before me and after me…she said it also keeped her from getting pregnant and give into penetration …. J says:. Went into a public stall , dropped to my knees, started sucking cock. March 18, at am. March 23, at am.

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