Pornhub chastity cage

Pornhub chastity cage

Chastity has not helped with my morning routine of looking at porn over my morning coffee because So, as you can see a cage can work only if you have a partner who can supervise your penis washing, and who you can bee accountable for if the emergency key is ever used. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. As for a keyholder, the general rule would be to give the keys either to someone in whom you could not possibly become sexually interested or with whom you are willing to accept sexual relations. I was home during the day while wife was at work. I still look at porn. Homophobia is not cool regardless of our views or orientation. M PowerYou likes this. ScatoPornFaper , Feb 23, In cases of extreme addiction involving high-STD-risk behaviour, a cage is a good idea in the initial stages to prevent such behaviour as well as to help the addict strengthen his character in the meantime. Alana Long term member. Show Ignored Content.

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