Pornhub case

Pornhub case

Transportation Cruise clears key hurdle to getting robotaxis back on roads in California Rebecca Bellan. Click to scroll back to top of the page Back to top. Startups Weekly Startups are the core of TechCrunch, so get our best coverage delivered weekly. Getty Images. According to the complaint, a video featuring one of the plaintiffs was the second most viewed video in on PornHub — a site that the complaint alleges had 42 billion views in , making it the 10th most visited website in the world. Porn viewers in EU may have to prove their age. What are the benefits of proceeding as a class action? He would then send messages and emails containing hyperlink URLs to Jane Doe's friends, family, and coworkers, according to court documents. Will be liable for any costs or legal fees? Money laundering. Paris has quickly established itself as a major European center for AI startups, and now another big deal is in the works. Search Menu.

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