Pornhub campaign

Pornhub campaign

Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! Find out how you can get involved. Visa and Mastercard have suspended the use of their cards on Pornhub whilst they investigate content on the site that depicts extreme sexual abuse, including of trafficking victims. Trump threatens to cut off further aid to Ukraine "prior to taking White House as president-elect". December 11, Campaign win! Visit website. A new approach is needed, and prevention must be a key part of stopping the spread of this material, something we know only serves to revictimise children over and over again as the images are shared worldwide. By Sangeeta Singh-Kurtz. He is now facing a felony charge. Two-day Peace Summit opens in Switzerland. Stop It Now! Pornhub lost all major advertisers and business partners, including Grant Thornton, Heinz, Unilever, Comcast-Xfinity, Roku, and many others.

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