Pornhub by country

Pornhub by country

Tags 20 countries that watch porn online countries that watch most porn most porn watch countries most porn watch countries list most porn watch countries new list by pornhub top countries to watch porn online. In comparison, every day the number of users watching porn on this website is more than the combined population of Poland, Canada, and Australia. Although it wasn't the top everywhere — some states in the south preferred ebony and a smattering of states through the west and northeast went for threesome porn instead. Even weirder still, the PlayStation Vita has seen a 50 percent increase in traffic. However, the attraction of the Indians about such websites has once again appeared in the Annual Report of the Pornhub website. The website received a total of The phrase "panties" was searched for more frequently by Texans , while "pegging" and "stepmom" were the top terms in Wisconsin and Ohio , respectively. Pornhub looked at viewings rates in each country compared to other countries, to work out what each country had a real hankering for. India is pretty hungry for some free-to-access porn, with the third largest appetite in the world. Notably, the traffic that the United States has, which is almost overflowing from the graph, is more than double of the traffic generated in India, despite being ranked at number three. Editor Picks. The website said that 80 percent of the total users of this website visit the website from the top 20 countries.

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