Pornhub business trip

Pornhub business trip

As evidenced by the far-reaching impact of bills like FOSTA-SESTA, corporate accountability on the internet is a double-edged sword—and often, campaigns framed as an effort to protect vulnerable groups are simply a front for the desire to eliminate sexual content altogether. They ultimately received a suspended sentence. Here's a thing. Image shot Maybe it depends on who is asking. Sex workers do an admirable job of advocating for themselves, but outside their movement, feminist and workers rights advocates have been reluctant to criticize the porn industry. In an attempt to prevent as much humiliation as possible, women will try anything to locate their revenge porn before someone else does. Next, he points to what Pornhub has cited as the most progressive anti-revenge-porn policy in the industry since a portal for victims to report nonconsensual pornography and request to have it removed. Parent company MindGeek has been acquired by a private equity firm, just days after a new Netflix documentary chronicled its exploitative practices. Many are tracking something far more sinister: revenge porn. Lauren Vinopal Lauren Vinopal is a writer and stand-up comedian based out of New York City, who writes mostly about health, science and men. Kalemba repeatedly contacted Pornhub, telling them she was a minor who had been raped and begged the porn company to take the videos down.

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