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The URLs for the victims' videos contain affiliate tails and are surrounded by hyperlink advertisements that, if clicked, redirect the visitors to various paysites. Or pizza delivered. Please im begging you please ill pay! The lawsuit alleges that "as early as , and definitely by fall , MindGeek knew GirlsDoPorn was trafficking its victims by using fraud, coercion, and intimidation as part of its customary business practices to get the women to film the videos. Because of this knowledge, MindGeek is, at minimum, civilly liable to Plaintiffs under Section for damages and attorney fees. At this point, there was no longer a company left for MindGeek to partner with. We would argue, though, that the pizza delivery boy is just one of the many minimum-wage archetypes on which porn was built. Or sink fixed. And even if we did do all of those things, most of our viewers would fast-forward straight to the sex anyway. Getty Images eccolo Pornhub has faced increasing problems amid allegations that it hosted content featuring child sexual exploitation, nonconsensual violence, rape, and other illegal material. One of the girls gave me her number and told me to come back when I was done working, which I did.

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