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She claimed she lived in Texas, but refused to give me her address as she "didn't live alone, but with her mother". Sign Up Free! Un-F'ning believable. Regardless, that is an awesome vid. That is correct. Board index FAQ Advanced search Advanced search View unanswered posts View unread posts View new posts View active topics Page 3 of 3 1 , 2 , 3 Previous scammers abusing stolen photos of Bryci Help and advice for those who have been scammed online. I followed her method of finding out, performing a reverse image search in google. As it stands, I am now separated, and my financial status is one big mess. It came up with 50 facial recognition matches, all for porn sites, all for the Canadian porn actress Bryci. I was not happy with my marriage and whoever this woman was I spoke with someone over the phone a few times , she was smooth and took total advantage of me. Submitted On: What name did the scammer use? Copyright

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