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But I still love the bear community, and I love being a part of it. Jake is grateful that he stood up to Bryce last night at dinner. When Bryce was a monumental fuckwad again? Why use a double entendre when a single one will do just fine! Previous Post Previous post: Wednesday 8. Can I spend an hour with them now please? Welcome back to another filler episode before the dinner party, MAFS monsters! Meanwhile Booka and Brett are being mates again and playing one of those esoteric white people lawn games. Thotyssey : Hello Bryce, thanks for chatting today! I grew up where you had to drive fifteen minutes to the nearest grocery store, past farmland and all that good stuff. Bryce decides that the thing to get Jason out of his little funk is a bit of product placement. Johnny and Kerry are really leaning into their Mediterraneanness and chucking a pizza party to try to smooth everything over with the rest of the group.

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