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Log in now. Skip to content As some of you may be aware, Bowsette is something of a thing right now. Subscribe Subscribed. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. We also talk about further exciting developments in The Year of Shadow, game server shutdowns, and a whole bunch more! If you have no clue what Bowsette is then carry on with your day and forget I mentioned it. Our podcast description jokes are burning! Loading Comments Allow your ears to adapt the sound waves they detect into the pure dopamine hit that is a new episode of Filthy Casuals. We talk about it, plusp Mother 3, Adam's thoughts on the earlier parts of Hellblade II that there's been time to play before recording, as well as news about upcoming shadow-based games like Assassin's Creed Shadows and Elden Ring: Shadows of the Erdtree, as yet unconfirmed-shadow-related games like Valve's Deadlock and a potential Star Wars Total War game, and a whole bunch more. Nintendo has an image to keep pure and their own creation has brought down an avalanche of not so family friendly images. So please enjoy, until the radio overplays the episode and you never want to hear the song of the summer again.

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