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Sometimes we have big monster arguments. If somebody did that every day, I think it would be cause to suspect a psychological disorder There is no perfect someone, it's a myth. Just as I am not shocked by him looking at half naked women. Because apparently you are not familiar with the topic at all. Sex or masturbation every day would probably not be considered any sort of problem. There would be no excitement as nothing would catch you off guard. Naughty America really needs porn just like water!! LOL Love you lots Helena xxx. I have no idea how many, or how easy it is to treat, or whether "addiction" is the best term for it, but it's the best word I know of to describe the phenomenon In my opinion, it is just a textbook written by hypocrites for hypocrites Fellows, if you met a young woman and had been wanting to find a wife, that's a life long committed relationship, that you even enter into with a prayer, how faithful do you want her?

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