Pornhub blocked texas

Pornhub blocked texas

Other recent Texas laws, including bills requiring book vendors to rate content and restrictions on drag shows, have also faced First Amendment challenges, and Texas is not the only state to pursue age-verification requirements for content or even social media. Brazos County jury convicts father accused of abusing twins, leading to death of 6-year-old. Bent Pride. Paxton accused Pornhub of failing to abide by the age-verification law. Texas is the latest in a string of states — including Montana, North Carolina, Louisiana, Utah, Arkansas, Mississippi and Virginia — where Aylo has restricted access to its porn sites in response to age-verification laws. Leatherbury believes all these emerging issues might eventually be resolved at the U. Verifying visitor ages in Louisiana does not require porn sites to directly collect user IDs. ACLU opinions, both of which dealt with the Internet. Pornhub announced they will be disabling access to their website for Texans after House Bill required explicit content websites to have age-verification measures in place to ban minors. A new message displayed Thursday to users with internet addresses in Texas on Pornhub and other sites operated by parent company Aylo explained that it was disabling access to comply with the law, as first reported by the Houston Chronicle. By Rusty Surette. The age-verification question could eventually go to the Supreme Court.

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