Pornhub blanket

Pornhub blanket

If you see two people having sex in, say, Normal People, they're not actually having sex. It is supporting the exploitation of women, it is helping promote certain sexual practices as 'normal' or to be expected, so young men pressurise young women into things they do not wish to do, or the young women into things about their appearance. It's all fake. So I discovered my partner has an actual 'account' on Pornhub Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username. It is not 'necessary'. What degree of violence is it socially acceptable to have a wank to? File along with all the portrayals of women watching porn in modern tv and film, which are designed to normalise it and throw us all off the scent that this is actually exploitative, dangerous and damaging bullshit that does nothing but feed the capitalist patriarchy. But sexual fantasies per se have nothing to do with that. Why on earth these pornsick men imagine women get turned on by watching other women being choked, beaten, spat on etc is beyond me. Active Watching Add post I'm on Search. I'm so, so unhappy and cannot cope anymore, I feel my life has imploded.

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