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In fact when it comes to me I find it very hard to hold down a relationship with either a man or a woman as often people find it hard to believe I can be in love with just them and not be looking for someone else to quench my insatiable lust. Stay ahead of the curve with our weekly guide to the latest trends, fashion, relationships and more Stay ahead of the curve with our weekly guide to the latest trends, fashion, relationships and more. One of the most fascinating things is the number of older bisexual men who reach out to me. Were they always either happy or sad and nothing in between? A recent survey published by the ONS said there were roughly , people in the UK that class themselves as bisexual. Coming out in your youth is in its own right terrifying. As a vocal bisexual who is often found writing pieces in the media or doing TV and radio interviews about the bi experience, one of the great joys is having bisexual people from all around the world write to me after they see these pieces. Looking at statistics on this, bisexual people not having bisexual friends or people they can turn to can be an extremely isolating experience. Bisexual people from all around the world have turned to me for advice in their darkest hours. To fit in with friends at school I would act straight, and I wasn't lying, I did find the latest pop starlet or actress attractive. Read our privacy policy. Contact Stonewall for information or support www.

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