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Main article: Pornography in Germany. Magazines and pornographic papers have become increasingly available since the fall of communism in , and local editions of many international porn magazines are published. The illegal production, distribution, and "public demonstration" of pornography is punishable by a 2- to 6-year prison term. Video-on-demand, however, is not regulated by the TV laws, and, thus, pornography is legal to order. The depiction of illegal sexual activities, including those involving children, animals, necrophilia, rape, violence, or the use of force, remains illegal. Archived from the original on 24 September The penalty for production or distribution of pornography is up to one year imprisonment or up to two years if the perpetrator used the Internet and a fine of to 3, leva. In the — fiscal year, the agents of Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs seized 96, items of pornographic media carried by people travelling into the UK. Continental European, American and British hardcore pornographic magazines are now openly sold in many British newsagents, for instance. LegeAZ in Romanian. The age of viewing pornography stays fixed at 16 years old Art. Pleasing housewife dresses in lingerie for a hardcore bestia

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