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Mack observes that the opening shot shows Alice framed between Masonic pillars and in front of a window with the blinds drawn in the shape of a triangle—the pyramidal crest of the Freemasons. The next day I started researching surgeons. Psyche was a princess of stunning beauty, herself said to be the second coming of Venus. Two mannequins in the Rainbow store display window wear the same suits that Bill and Nick do. Polanski's next film following Tate's death was a graphically sexual and violent adaptation of Shakespeare's Macbeth , which also famously features The Three Witches characters. Manhattan's Rockefeller Center is the site of a massive Christmas tree that is erected and lit in public ceremony annually. In , Polanski was scandalized and fled the US to Europe where he remains in exile to this day following his arrest at age 43 for the rape of a year-old model at Jack Nicholson's house, though Nicholson wasn't there at the time. It sparkled in this forbidden way. Sabrina is a water nymph character with origins in English and Greek mythology. Illogical scenarios. And Kubrick directed Lolita , about a man in his fifties who is obsessed with a year-old girl. I knew we were finished with our visit.

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